
03/01/09SWECA  PG Cocker AV Gundog Open
“Good head and body well angulated quarter moved ok”
“Av-Presented a pleasing overall Picture well presented, moved well”
18/01/09Dartford Open Graduate Cocker
“masculine head, good reach of neck, good body outline with well angled & strong hindquarters, sound movement”
31/01/09East of England Ladies Kennel Ass Novice Cocker2nd
01/02/09Home Counties Cocker Novice Dog
“Masculine headed boy who moved well enough around the ring”
15/03/09Woolwich and Blexley PG Cocker
“Plenty of substance but not overdone. Good front, square muzzle. Balanced head and kind eye. Moved ok”
 Gravesend and Medway G Cocker3rd
04/04/09Wickford and Basilden Canine Society Grad Cocker/AV gundog OpenRes/VHC
12/04/09East Anglian Gundog Grad Cocker/Limit AV Gundog3rd/3rd
19/04/09East Anglian Cocker Champ Show Special Beginner
“squarely built black in good coat balanced head, good neck and shoulders, sound cheerful mover
03/05/09Chelmsford and District Canine Society Grad Cocker
“Dog of great substance, moved with drive”
19/07/09Cocker Club Champ Show TyroVHC
19/07/09Evesham Open2nd
11/10/09Becenham Open PG Cocker, AV open Gundog, Av GC
“Smart black boy who showed himself well, compact & balanced with good action and drive on the move” Michaella Edridge
“Good example of the breed, fairly compact, presents typical outline.. Lovely softexpression with correct ear placement, vg neck on clean shoulders, good tail, and moved well” Mary Deats
2nd, 1st1st
23/10/09Dartford and District Open PG Cocker,1stRBOB3rd in RBOB stakes
 Coventry Cocker Champ Show3rd 3rd
 Solid Cocker Champ show3rd 4th


03/01/09SWECA Sp Yearling Cocker PG AV Gundog
“Pleasing head good front, dark eyes moved ok”
18/01/09Dartford Open Open Cocker4th
31/01/09East of England Ladies Kennel Ass Graduate Cocker/AV PGRes/VHC
01/02/09Home Counties Cocker Graduate Cocker3rd
15/03/09Woolwich and Blexley Open Cocker3rd
Best Tri
 Gt Yarmouth and Galston Open CockerVHC
 Gravesend and Medway Open CockerRes
12/04/09East Anglian Gundog Novice Cocker/Grad AV Gundog2nd/VHC
19/04/09East Anglian Cocker Champ show AOC Novice / Novice2nd/2nd
3/05/09Chelmsford and District Open Cocker3rd
17/07/09Cocker Club Champ Show Non blue OpenRES
3/10/09East Anglian Cocker Novice ANC, Novice2nd
10/10/09Beckenham Open Open cocker, PG AV Gundog, Special Begs3rd, 5th, 3rd
23/10/09Dartford and District Open Cocker3RD